Monday 22 April 2013

Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card

Have you ever read a book that has changed your life? One that has really just made you stop and think about everything and who you are and who you want to be? Yeah, I haven't. Well, I don't think I have. Surely if I had I would remember it?

I just finished reading The Fault In Our Stars after literally everyone on twitter fangirling (sorry) over it. I had read Looking For Alaska by John Green and was extremely dissapointed. I wasn't as dissapointed with this one, however, I didn't like it very much. It seems that for a book to be a teenage book it has to be about someone (obviously another teenager) that has a really horrible life and then finds love and it gets a bit better but then everything is crap again. (But it's always kind of good by the end). I don't know about you but I've never really properly related to these kind of books.

I just want something real. Something utterly depressing because it's utterly real. 
For my English A Level we studied a play called Waiting For Godot by Samuel Beckett and if any of you know the play you would know it's a comedy but nothing, and yet everything, happens. And basically it is about life. We're all waiting for something but everything just stays the same. Where are the books like this? Maybe people feel they wouldn't sell (everything is about money nowadays) because when most people read they want to be exported from the real world and into someone else's. Which, I admit, that is one of the main reasons I read. But just for once I would like to read a book that I can relate to and will make me think. 
Maybe you guys have some recommendations? 

Anyway, this was just a little thought. Sorry for not writing many blog posts, I haven't felt inspired as they say. 
Thanks for reading and now time for some nice images.

(I'm going to see Lana Del Rey live in 20 days!!)

(Did you all have a good Record Store Day?)


  1. i found looking for alaska very disappointing too! i think john green is a very talented writer but i just don't particularly love his stories. i quite liked the fault in our stars, i had never read anything quite like it and i think it's original. on the other hand i do understand what you said about it:-)
    i want to read books like that too but i'm not sure where to find them. the catcher in the rye might be a good one. maybe we should be the authors of these books? i want to write but even though there is so much to write about it still feels like there's nothing i can say. idk do you write?

    1. I was thinking I could write something like that but I always start to write a story and then never finish it. I'm always like that...

  2. I completely agree about the Fault in our Stars?! I kept seeing a particular paragraph from Loking for Alaska on twitter/tumblr and was desperate to read it, but after the fault in our stars I was really put off!

  3. I read and loved 'Looking For Alaska'. I haven't met a lot of people who did not like it. In fact... you are the first. Also, that was his first novel so maybe you like his others more? IDK, I tend to shy way from young adult novels as well, honestly because I feel a bit old for them.

  4. Completely agree about the book and play! For once I would like to read a teenage book about terminal illness that is actually about terminal illness and not just 'oh look there's a pretty boy who will make my life better!'. I did Waiting For Godot as my GCSE drama piece (kind of awkward when you have a vagina and boobies as my old drama teacher would say...) and although I'm slightly sick of it after performing the first 4 pages about a billion times, it really is an amazing play :D

  5. So I started reading your blog and I'm just going through all the posts. I swear I'm not a creep.
    Does the title of this post refer to the cartoon Arthur?
    And yeah...I heard practically everyone talking about John Green books so I told myself that I had to read them. I read 4 of his books(In order: Looking for Alaska, The Fault in our Stars, Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines) in 3 days. I didn't quite like them as much as this which is Hank and John Green's youtube channel.
    I would recommend The Catcher in the Rye if you haven't read it, if you have then try Franny and Zoey. I am so stuck up on Salinger!

    1. Yes it is! I love Arthur so I'll take any chance to quote it.
      I really like their youtube channel! I prefer John's bits, especially the Great Gatsby videos which helped with my English A Level haha.
      At the moment I'm reading The Unbearable Lightness of Being and I was going to read Catcher in the Rye's like you're psychic...
      Thanks xxx


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